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AGM - President's Message

Last night on May 8, the Ram's Alumni Association held its first AGM. We want to thank the members who came out to the meeting. And for those of you who couldn't make it, we would like to share our President's message with you.

Hi Everyone,

I want to thank you all for taking the time to jump on this call. Today, we gather to celebrate our high school’s history, one that includes not only that of the past, but also its present, and future. We are brought together by the common bond of education, and at the heart of this bond lies our alumni—the living embodiment of our legacy. Yes we have all been around long enough now to talk about “our legacy”.

You, our alumni, are the torchbearers of our past, standing as testament to the power of education. We have journeyed far from the hall of Laurier, carrying with us lessons learned, the friendships gained, and the dreams ignited within our high school walls. We have become leaders, innovators, and trailblazers in our respective fields, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

What started as a discussion to solve a problem for the football team, has grown over the last year to become a bigger initiative to “leave no student behind”. 2023 was busy from the time the Board was struck, to the membership drive, alumni socials, networking and small fundraising initiatives, the interest in the association has grown. We must continue to commit to the association through membership to not only support the current Rams but those going out into the world. We need to be viable for years to come.

So as we celebrate the achievements of our alumni, we must also recognize the importance of our present students—the custodians of our school's present. They walk the same paths, sit in the same classrooms, and grapple with the same challenges that once confronted us. They are the stewards of our legacy, entrusted with the task of carrying it forward into the future. This past year with your help, the association was able to strike a few items off the school’s wish list. It is our goal to continue to work with the school’s administration to seek out the needs of the various departments, and support them when and where we can, especially as our membership grows so does our funding. In the coming year, we will have a student representative join us on this journey - to liaise with us and their peers. Not only will this be a great resource for us, but it will be a valuable experience for our students.

And what of the future? It lies in the hands of our graduates—the bright minds who will soon join the ranks of our esteemed alumni. They stand at the threshold of endless possibilities, poised to make their mark on the world. As they embark on their own journeys, we offer them our unwavering support and guidance, knowing that they carry the hopes and aspirations of generations past, present, and future. With that, we want to look into having a bursary or grant of sorts for students to apply to, and award a monetary gift to help them with their post secondary education or apprenticeship, etc. While all the details have not been confirmed yet, it is something that we will be working towards for Spring 2025 and forward. We also want to engage our graduates to become members of the association to stay connected with their Ram family.

The best part about all of this is that we have reconnected with each other and our school. Know though that we cannot do any of this without the Alumni. Each part—past, present, and future—is essential to the association. Together, let us honour our alumni, inspire our current students, and empower our future graduates to continue the legacy of excellence that Rams for Life.

Thank you.

Jamie Calwill

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