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Writer's pictureHeather Lyle

Need more info?

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

This past week we posted a poll on the Facebook Group asking you all what obstacles may be in the way of you deciding to become an official alumni member. Here are a few of those questions and answers. We hope this helps in your decision-making and that you will join Rams for Life.

Question: Do you require other ways to pay your membership fee? Some answered, Yes.

Answer: Currently you have the option to use your credit card to submit your payment. We have set-up a PayPal payment option so that you can use your debit/PayPal account when your register. And last, we are in the process of setting up e-transfer as an option (this will be on the site as a cash option with instructions once we have firmed up everything with the bank).

Question: Do you require more information in order to decide? Some answered, yes here too. Asking for more clarification on,

Which programs get the majority of the funds?

Answer: All the programs will receive funding. The Board will be meeting with the school to access how Alumni can help, and what the needs are in all programs, from athletics to the arts.

Are funds able to be earmarked?

Answer: With membership fees the Association will collectively create a fund that can be allocated to help the programs with what they need. If a donor comes forward and wishes their gift to be earmarked it would be. We would respect their wishes and ensure the gift is allocated accordingly. Same goes with any goal specific fundraiser; any profits given to the association would be used for the program the fundraiser promoted.

Who decides where the funds go?

Answer: We are hoping our school contacts will outline their needs, and that the funds will be shared among the programs. Obviously some costs in some programs may be higher than others, but our mission is to help ALL programs and to share amongst them. The Association will remain transparent, and will keep the membership apprised of activities and initiatives that are under taken. Rams for Life is incorporated which means "it's by the book".

Are these funds board approved?

Answer: Yes, the board will review the requests and mange the funds needed to fulfill those. We are actively seeking board members to fulfill school, student, parent and community positions - so that everyone has a voice at the table. For more information on this - or interested in volunteering your time, please email

Question: What does membership include?

A: The membership fee doesn't necessary "include" anything. It is a fee that will be collected annually to help grow the fund that will be supporting all the RAM programs that need help; it will help with carrying costs of the association, i.e., this website; it will help offset smaller fundraising initiatives - it truly is a collective effort to help the school. Check out the blog "What membership means?".

Now having said that, there will be some perks to being a member - discounts on upcoming Association swag, receiving the membership newsletter (publication scheduled later this year), member socials and events, having a say in certain projects we may take on, attending the AGM, and most importantly knowing that your contribution will be making a difference.


As we continue with the membership drive, we hope these questions and answers will help you choose membership. We can't stress enough that we need more members to make this a success.

Please join - become an annual member today. Spread the word, invite your friends to do the same. Go Rams Go!

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